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Body Dysmoprhia

Body dysmorphia involves an intense preoccupation with a perceived flaw or defect in one's physical appearance. Statistics indicate that 1 in 50 individuals suffer from body dysmorphia.


Distinguishing between general body image issues and the clinical condition of body dysmorphia is crucial. Those with negative body image tend to be broadly more concerned with the size or shape of their body and is generally dissatisfied with it. 


Symptoms of body dysmorphia encompass constantly comparing self to others, seeking reassurance regarding appearance, body checking frequently and analysing body fat photos.  


Body confidence issues are increasingly common in today’s society, affecting individuals of all ages. The exact causes of body dysmorphia remain incompletely understood, but factors contributing to its development include genetics, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety, personality disorders, traits like perfectionism, and experiences of childhood trauma or abuse.


Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) stands as the most effective treatment for body dysmorphia. Seeking professional support is crucial for individuals struggling with this disorder, as it holds the potential to profoundly improve their quality of life and overall life satisfaction.


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