Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by extreme restriction of caloric intake, significant weight loss and an intense fear of weight gain. Additionally, it is an eating disorder that is marked by a preoccupation and obsessive thoughts of food, dieting and body shape/size, leading to restrictive eating habits. The lifetime prevalence of the Anorexia Nervosa disease is 1.8% of the Australian population. Anorexia treatment is critical upon the emergence of signs and symptoms to facilitate a quicker recovery.
Common Anorexia Nervosa signs and symptoms include severely restricted food consumption, extreme thinness, self-esteem influenced by weight or shape, distorted body image, constipation, stomach bloating, dehydration, low mood, anxiety/depression, relentless pursuit for thinness, brittle nails and hair, hair loss, fatigue and weakness. These physical and psychological signs of anorexia nervosa are increasingly prevalent, underlining the urgent need for early intervention and treatment.
Anorexia Nervosa therapies such as FBT-E, CBT- E, SSCM and AFT are pivotal in the recovery journey of individuals with Anorexia. Atypical Anorexia, a condition similar to Anorexia Nervosa, manifests with all its symptoms despite the individual being underweight or experiencing rapid weight loss.
As a dietitian specialising in anorexia nervosa treatments, my approach would involve RAVES or FBT for adolescents. It is imperative to recognise that anorexia treatment will vary for each individual, but establishing a strong rapport an trust between clinician and client is fundamental. Anorexia Nervosa stands as one of the most prevalent eating disorders, emphasising the critical importance of early detection and treatment therapy for anorexia.
Contact us or schedule a consultation today